domingo, 13 de agosto de 2023


 In my researches to possible sub texts in the ciphers of the zodiac, I found interesting, and curious, the word “WANK” diagonally, just in the segment of the message, of sexual connotation, “IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING YOUR ROCKS OFF WITH A GIRL”.

It appears next to “FIRE” diagonally.
I made a simple transposition in columns , keeping the dimension of 17 columns and 24 rows .

Interesting that , “get your rocks off” , according to Cambridge, means , “to have an orgasm”.

Today , for sure , zodiac , would be what we know as INCEL, or Red Pill

sábado, 5 de agosto de 2023

OF ALLEN...408

 When we arrange the cipher 408 , classically , and in columns , in mirror , in line 7 , in the position of the letter E , which begins the sequence " EBEORIETEMETHHPITI , ( which fills the end of the cipher , and in theory has no sense , or would have no solution) , appears the junction of ALL of Z408 normal , and EN of Z408 in columns in mirror . 

At the very least curious, the name  ALLEN of one of the suspects appears, and just at the beginning of the sequence (z18).
