sábado, 23 de outubro de 2021

Leigh Allen driver's renew number Zodiac Killer 408 cipher (EBEORIETEMETHHPITI Theory)

1 - The sequence EBEORIETEMETHHPITI was not created by me, it was drafted by the infamous Zodiac, I do not believe it was random, and there appears to be definite context.

2 - The breakdown method I have used, is to consider that the letters can be attributed a value from the number of times each letter is repeated in the sequence. For example,  ask a student, how many times the letter E occurs within the sequence   EBEORIETEMETHHPITI,??!!  The students answer will be 5
3- There are 9 vowels and  9 consonants in the sequence, that is fact.
4 - Adding the values extracted by the above method produces a total of 52, that is  fact
5 - Then place the vowels and consonants in two distinct rows in descending order .
6 - Using 52 as the "key" we then move forward in two stages, using the first 2 rows and 5 columns shown in the diagram below, add up the figures as demonstrated to pruduce 166776 .
7-Using the key "52" , proceed to multiply this with the figure  16776 to generate our new total 8672352.
8-The 8th letter of the alphabet is H, that is fact, and a cut joining the left part of the letter H with another cut in the number 8, is similar to the letter B (see below for explanation).
10 - The final result produces B672352, the number of the main suspects driving license, I can not say that he was the author, but it appeared without too much effort using simple mathematics.

The sequence EBEORIETEMETHHPITI has the following characteristics (Patterns)

18 letters in length

there are 9 vowels and 9 consonants :


there are 9 individual letters:


The sum of the values of the individual letters (with the repetition method used in the proposed decoding is 18)

5 1 1 1 3 3 1 2 1 =18

The sum of the vowels

E, O and I
5, 1 and 3 is 9
By logic, the sum of the vowel letters

B,R,T,M,H and P
1,1,3,1,2 ,1 is also 9

Z408 Message




Z 340 

Click  HERE

Um comentário:

  1. https://ostellovolante.com/2022/06/01/408-cipher-final-words-decryption-paradice-key/
